Easter can be an anxious time for many people so if you are reading this post and have social phobia, congratulations, you survived it and you even survived the New Year this year.
Times when family and friends get together can be seen as difficult for those of us, like me, who are shy or suffer from social phobia. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, major birthdays (like 21st and 40th) can be difficult to face, not only if you are anxious because of a phobia, but also because many families fight during these times. I prefer to spend time with my mother, partner, children and grandchildren, the people I am comfortable with.
This is natural to feel that way but remember, if you suffer from social phobia you need to keep practicing being social or it will again become difficult. They say practice makes perfect and in this case they are right. In regard to the family fights, just stay out of it and stay calm if possible, and if that all fails think about giving them a big miss. See the family individually instead and have a better experience for yourself. We don’t always think about ourselves first but we need to do that for our own good.
I had a party to go to and a wedding just recently so I got to practice my social skills. If you face the fear of socializing and having a panic attack then you need to learn to overcome it for good. There is no way I am going to allow myself to slip back from what I have achieved. Don’t let it happen to you. Take control of your life and live it the way you want. Anxiety help is available (click the link below to get expert help) and it is also within you if you know where to reach in for it.
How well did you do this last Easter season and how well will you do for the next birthday or special occasion?