Child Anxiety – is my child anxious?

How do you recognize child anxiety? Are these reactions of my child normal or abnormal?  Its sometimes difficult as we are so close to the person who is suffering the anxiety.

Children are often worried about meeting new people, giving a speech in class, being frightened of the dark or changing schools but these are normal responses and feelings, but when the worry is unrealistic is when there is a real problem.  Often the result is that they will avoid the situation or event.

Child anxiety and fear need to be taken seriously because the child believes that their feel is very real, so listen to them when they approach you.  It carries the same symptoms as adults have but a child doesn’t have the brain capacity or experience to make sense of them.

A very anxious child’s phobia can be made worse by an over protective parent.  Encourage your child to face up to their fears in their own time and to try new things despite the result.  Tell them that mistakes are OK and are just a part of learning from their experiences.

Teaching your child to calm themselves down when they get upset is a very good tactic to help them in situations when you aren’t there to help.  I also found that having a routine for my own children gave them a sense of stability and security, oh and it made my life less stressful too.  This also helps your child from suffering from separation anxiety.

Child anxiety can also carry on into adulthood so dealing with the problems now will mean that this wont carry on through the rest of their life.  If you suspect that your child does suffer from anxiety then please see your family doctor for advice.

A great self help program is available at Panic Away. Check it out and have a look at some of the testemonials. They have a new video on the site as well that describes me to a tee even to the situation of eating out.  Unbelievable!  Even looks like me….I wish.

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2 comments to Child Anxiety – is my child anxious?

  • i recommend this to my friend.. tnx a lot..nice post

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