How to treat agoraphobia successfully

barbed_wire_5While agoraphobia is not something that directly poses a threat to life, there is a need to treat anyone who suffers from this kind of a disorder in order for them and those around them to be able to go through life normally.   Agoraphobia is a panic disorder that stems from a fear of experiencing a panic attack in a situation or location that could be difficult to get out off without experiencing embarrassment.

Agoraphobia can be treated successfully with the help of the sufferer, that is the key.  People suffering from agoraphobia normally do not know what triggers their anxiety attacks and therefore try to avoid being in places where they feel stressed and could be embarrassed by such attacks.  They usually fear being alone outside their homes, being in a crowd, traveling for long periods in a closed vehicle, or being in any enclosed area an eventually can be the fear of being afraid and losing control.
Agoraphobia treatment differs from one sufferer to another.  The causes for agoraphobia are not definite as each one could have a different trigger from another.  Their anxiety attacks occur randomly and unpredictably in episodes.  This is the reason why these patients try to avoid places that cause severe anxiety to them.  To prevent agoraphobia from progressing into other conditions such as depression,  alcohol or drug dependency, and other non related medical conditions such as  chronic fatigue and hypertension, it is necessary for those who are exhibiting such symptoms to seek agoraphobia treatment.

Treatment for agoraphobia includes psychiatric evaluations and psychotherapy, as well as antidepressant medications (if necessary).  Cognitive behavioral therapy is also often necessary for successful treatment of agoraphobia and this is one treatment that I think is the most effective.  All these should be taken in combination to be able to successfully treat agoraphobia.   The patient shall be gradually exposed to the particular situations identified to be triggering his attacks.  This technique is called desensitization and is considered to be an effective, although not easily developed, way of permanently treating agoraphobia.

Many people have achieved great success with PANIC AWAY. You can read their stories and see how they can help you.

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11 comments to How to treat agoraphobia successfully

  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis (or “chronic fatigue syndrome”) is not a psychological disorder. You can’t get it because you have an anxiety disorder any more than you can get cancer because you have an anxiety disorder. You also can’t cure it with psychological treatment.

    If you’re interested, go here for a long scientific overview of ME.

  • Paulineh

    Oh I agree with you Susan and didn’t mean to infer it was. My daughter suffers from CFS so I do understand this but what I meant was that letting agoraphobia go untreated can lead the the person developing other conditions.
    Maybe I need to rephrase that sentence.

  • I have an aunt who has agoraphobia. The family has a difficult time convincing her to get treatment. She hates to go to a doctor or a psychologist. If we get her to go out of her home for a few hours, she is constantly asking us from the time we leave what time are we bringing her back. She is very uncomfortable in crowded situations like the shopping mall. She now refuses to go in the mall or a movie theater. She does have a real problem because it has gone untreated for so long.

  • Paulineh

    Shirley I can understand how she feels as I am sure I was heading that way too. It happens gradually and you restrict yourself from one thing then another until you are going nowhere and the fear is very real.

    Thanks for your post. Oh and actually I felt that way in theaters too probably because it feels a bit claustrophobic in there.

  • Okey

    Very nice post! What I like most about is the fact that you don?t try to force your opinion on anyone. You just kind of lay the information out there and let people make their own decision. Keep doing what you do.

  • Ellis

    I’ve been having severe anxiety problems for over ten years now, it started at work (as far as was noticable), and cost me my job and career. Since then I’ve been on every benzodiazapine, trycyclic, SSRI, and even strong anthystamines. My latest fear is of driving, because I live near a clifftop and I’m convinced I’m going to drive over it.

    My doctors final diagnosis is panic disorder and I’m on Cymbalta, he is threatening to take me off all prescriptions if I tell him this isnt working. If I drink alcohol things get even worse, and because I do ocasionally turn to drink I cant get any psycological help.

    What is there left to do?

  • Paulineh

    You must not give up hope that you can beat anxiety. I am proof that you can. In a way it’s really fighting yourself and your beliefs. I remember a Dr telling me once to have a drink to relax me when I was anxious but that only made me feel hot and I felt worse. Why not try behavioral therapy and often they do them in groups where you all are suffering similarly. I think this therapy works better in the long run than drug therapy.

    Write to me again if you want any help I am always here to help you if I can but professional help is a must don’t forget. Everyone is different and we have different experiences.

  • greg

    I just learned my friend of several years suffers from egoraphobia. We haven’t really spoken much the past few years due to moving and simply a lack of communication. But now she lives about 4 hours away from me and she is in a really bad relationship but she’s scared to leave the house. She thinks she’s a very bad person and calls herself mean among other names, i guess my question is what can i do to help her. i want to get her out of that situation but i’ve never dealt with agoraphobia before and to be honest, i really don’t understand it. any advice?

  • Paulineh

    Agoraphobia is not easy to cure as it has developed from stress then anxiety. She needs to be professionally diagnosed though first. Encourage her to seek help even telephone help at first. If she make one step it will lead to another. It must be her decision to seek help. Let me know how she goes.

  • julie

    i have been suffering from agoraphobia for 7 yaers i have put my family through hell .it has cost me dearly ,job relationsships ,my adoptive son is in big troble at school,and swears at me ,sying he hates me he is forteen ,i used to be an ot my life has felt so bad that i have contenpllated suicide i am full of shame

  • Paulineh

    Other people don’t understand what you go through when you have agoraphobia.
    Don’t be too hard on yourself as I am sure you are doing the best you can while having this problem. Don’t think that you cant beat it though. YOU CAN. I can tell you from experience, you just need help.
    If you feel you cant go out to see the doctor then try a phone help line at first. They will have contacts they can put you on to as well.
    Remember you aren’t alone and other people suffer from agoraphobia too so you don’t have to be ashamed.
    The other thing to remember that 14 year olds hate most adults at that ago and that is not just you.
    Anxiety and panic attack have cost me friendships, relationships and my confidence that I used to have as a teenager but I have overcome it and so can you.