Breath Control is your Anxiety Buster

The majority of people experience anxiety and panic attacks at some time in their lives even if it is a minor experience. Some can find that this prevents them from concentrating, being social or continuing to work and study. There are  many ways to help cope with the condition though, and to relieve the panic attacks if they occur. What you need is an anxiety buster and breath control is your answer.

There are many forms of relaxation that are often recommended to prevent or reduce anxiety and panic attacks which may include meditation, yoga or breathing exercises but trying to relax while you are stressing is very difficult.  It is also not easy to control your heartbeat but the good news is that we are all capable of learning to control our breathing.

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Watch your stress levels or they will sneak up on you

I control my anxiety and subsequent panic attacks by keeping my stress levels down.  This can be a challenge as you don’t always know that stress and anxiety are building until it is too late and you are showing signs like, in my case, talking quickly, being agitated and getting upset at small things.

I had recently finished a job and was starting another and in between we were having a few days break at the coast.  The time just beforehand had been stressful but I was now looking forward to the new job starting.  A few days break away was what I needed.stress levels

I didn’t realize how stressed I really was until we got to our destination.  I thought at first I was a little car sick but after a few hours I knew that it really was anxiety.  Maybe all that stress that was built up just needed to release.  I didn’t want it to ruin my weekend.

I got out my iPod that has some great binaural beat relaxation music on it and got myself in a nice, warm, comfortable position, closed my eyes and turned it on.  I did feel a little better by the end so I played one of the tracks again.  Now I really felt the benefit and I was able to go out that night not fearing that I would have a panic attack.  If you ever have had a panic attack you will realize exactly how I felt when I had the control back.

Relaxation music and especially ones that have binaural beats really work for me in an emergency and I was so glad that I had taken my iPod that weekend and I know it will be the first thing I pack in the future.

I am fortunate that I have learned slow breathing techniques which assists the relaxation process and combined with the music I know that I can bring my stress levels down fairly quickly.  I know I will have to make sure that I include other relaxation methods in my daily life and not neglect my nerves in the future or it will happen again and I don’t want that.

The weekend could have been ruined for me but instead I had a lovely break by the sea before starting another stressful experience of starting a new job.  Oh the music I have downloaded is  Slow Down and Relax which is 20 minutes and Manifestation (for positive thinking) which is 30 minutes and of course I have the 10 minute sample.

The Rainy Day

This is a selection from a  poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

For me this poem is all about growing older, getting through the dark days, knowing sunny days are coming and to accept that our life is not perfect.  Being ‘blue’ is ok if you give it a time frame to experience it, then move on.

Overcoming depression

Overcoming depression

My life is cold and dark and dreary
It rains and the wind is never weary
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past
And youth’s fond hopes fall thick in the blast
And my life is dark and dreary

Be still, sad heart and cease repining
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining
Thy fate is the common fate of all
Into each life some rain must fall
Some days must be dark and dreary

Do you feel like this sometimes?  I know I do but the difference between being blue and depressed is that the feeling passes and I find something to give me hope or to smile about.  It important to know the difference in the two and get help if you are depressed.  There is ‘help at the end of the tunnel’ we just have to see that things change in life and so can we.

When I feel blue I reach out to those who love me unconditionally, my grandchildren and my pets.  They just ‘love you’  for being YOU.

I reach out now to all of my readers who are reading this post and relate and give you a virtual hug.  I know its not a real one but its the best I can do right now to tell you that someone cares.  You are not alone and there are many of us who suffer anxiety and feeling the blues.  I encourage you to share your feeling here by posting a comment and embracing all of us in our search for a happier life.

My last comment here is that without the dark days you don’t appreciate the really sunny ones.

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Is anxiety causing you to overeat?

Image via Wikipedia

We all need to eat but the problem starts when you comfort eat when you are anxious.  Stress and anxiety can be a bad aspect of your life if you react to it by overeating.  This can lead to weight gain and health problems as well.  I was one who was a comfort eater and when things went wrong for me I would take pleasure in my food.

Finding out what your stressors are is very important so you are aware of why you are overeating.  Sometimes we can’t change the stressors eg a bereavement, but we can control how we react to it.  We often hope that the comfort we get will make the underlying problem go away but unfortunately it just makes it worse or creates other problems.

Continue reading Is anxiety causing you to overeat?